Monday, April 30, 2012

Why do we celebrate May 5th?

Today we are going to collaboratively (that means all together) create a presentation about why we celebrate May 5th.

You can get into small groups if that works better for you, just so EVERYONE participates.

These are the main points that need answered.
  • Historically what happened.
  • What it means to Mexicans.
  • What it means to Americans.
  • How to celebrate.
Add fun pictures, and colors, make this a visually entertaining and educational presentation.

**DONT ALL WORK ON THE SAME PART, spread it out, divide up who does what and then do it.
---A good way to do this might be to go to the slide you are aiming to do and put your name on it that way others know to move on to a different slide, then do your research and put the slide together. If there is a problem of people messing with other peoples slides or work there is a very good chance that those that messed with others stuff will NOT get free time and instead will do typing practice the entire time.


PUT IT TOGETHER HERE: Google Docs does require a modern browser like Chrome.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Diagram your day - create a diagram or flowchart of your day, what you do, decisions you might have, detail it however you like.

BEFORE YOU CLOSE THE DIAGRAM, share the link with me by pasting it as a comment to this blog posting along with your name.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ewaste Facts

Using Inkscape create a visual about an Ewaste fact,
Make sure the visual relates to the fact you choose.
Be sure to have a large title saying FACT.
BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCE. (that means copy the URL of the website of where you got your fact from and put it at the bottom).

DO not do general recycling or water conservation type facts, stick to Electronic Waste facts.

Once you have finished. SAVE the Inkscape file as your name.svg


Then upload the completed file to me using drop it to me.
password: lane <- click this to upload completed file. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Internet Riddle

Use your Technology Troubleshooting Skills to solve this Internet Riddle

Do your best to discover all you can see on the pages, use the hints to guide you to finding the keywords.

Only after I see you slaving away trying lots of different Internet website troubleshooting techniques will I help you out with hints.

You are done when you see this image:
Once completed: If you would like to make your own, you are welcome to do so, ask Mr. Hurst and we can build whatever Internet Riddle we can.

If you like trial and error finding new things out, check out this game:
PS it's addicting and fun.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Webcam Control

Check out ALL of these links. feel free to surf around a lil on the pages.
By check out that means, visit the link, see what is there, try out the control, zoom in and pan around etc. Once you get it, move onto the next one.

WHY: so that you can understand the different types out there and give your opinion of your favorite one as a comment at the bottom. - Astoria - several, hawaii - BE sure to check out the time lapse and events at the bottom. - HD no control - Seaside, OR. - AWESOME, slow frame rate, but cool subject. - - beach low resolution - college - high bandwidth, smooth fast. - college -  high bandwidth, smooth fast.

Now that you have checked out all these various webcams, comment using name/url (ignore the url) your favorite one and EXPLAIN WHY it is your fav.

Once finished I will bring out our low-tech web cams and we can play around with them ...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Using Inkscape create a flyer for the upcoming Earth Day Celebration. 

Here are the details:
Earth Day Celebration

The Learning Gardens Laboratory at the Green Thumb Site  (6801 SE 60th) will host its third annual Earth Day Celebration on Saturday April 21st from 11:00-1:00. The event is free and open to the public. Community members are invited to attend this family-friendly event that will include educational booths and workshops on gardening and sustainable living for both children and adults. The event will also include free food, live music, children’s activities, a plant give away, and door prizes.

Celebración Anual del Día de la Tierra

El laboratorio de jardines de aprendizaje (6801 SE 60th) celebrará su tercera celebración anual del Día de la Tierra, el Sábado 21 de Abril de las 11:00-1:00. El evento es gratuito y abierto al público. Los miembros de la comunidad están invitados a asistir a este evento familiar que incluirá kioscos informativos y talleres de la jardinería y la vida sostenible tanto para niños comopara adultos. El evento también incluirá comida gratis, música en vivo, actividades infantiles, una planta de regalo, y premios de puerta.

Feel free to create it in any language you would like to translate it into.

Feel free to import, or copy and paste any images you would like to enhance the appearance of your flyer.

Once you have finished. SAVE the Inkscape file as your name.svg


Then upload the completed file to me using drop it to me.
password: lane <- click this to upload completed file. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

GIMP photo enhancing

IF YOU WOULD LIKE, BEFORE YOU GET STARTED, SEE HOW I MADE THIS IMAGE BY CLICKING HERE, then looking at the layers.               lane_spring_hurst.xcf

Step 1. Right click and save the below original photo image to your computer Y drive, then open it in GIMP. (right click edit with GIMP).

Step 2. Click "Layer" then "Transparency" then "Add Alpha Channel"

Step 3. Use the "Fuzzy Select Tool" looks like a wand with a yellow light on the end, and click the white sky, then press delete on the keyboard.

*Adjust the color of the photo by clicking "Colors" then Hue/Saturation and increasing or decreasing the values to your liking.
**Adjust furthermore using the "Colors" then "Curves" and adjust that line to change the brightness and contrast of the photo.

Search for an image of a new sky to replace the blank white one, download the image, then drag the image into the GIMP project. Or instead of dragging, in GIMP click File > Open as Layers.

Feel free to add extra sky or image elements like I did such as adding, birds, airplanes, balloons, hot air balloons, kites, anything else that you might want to enhance your new sky.

Step 3. Once you have finished. SAVE the image as your name.jpg


Then upload the completed file to me using drop it to me.
password: lane <- click this to upload completed file. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Vertex Painting Easter Eggs

vertex is a special kind of point that describes the corners or intersections of geometric shapes.

We are going to PAINT, in a 3D program the intersections that make up the shape of an egg.

Open this file in Blender.


Then paint away, USE the TIMELINE in the bottom to rotate the egg around.

Step 3. Once you have finished with your vertex painting all around the egg, you need to RENDER the 60 frames as a movie, the shortcut key is CTRL + F12, or simply go to the render tab and click animation.

Renders to this location.
My computer > Local Disk (C) > tmp
Copy the file, then paste it in your Y drive.
password: lane <- click this to upload completed file.